Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Even Now Here's My Heart God.

If you haven't heard of the band United should check them out.  This song has been on my mind all day and I just can't get enough of it.  I've copied the lyrics down at the bottom.  It's a medley of two songs and it's called "Even Now."  The second half of the song is a new rendition of one of their other songs, Lock Step, which I'll paste below too.


Even Now

Lock Step

Even Now
It doesn't always work like I've planned it
I've seen a lot of good things, a lot of things been out of my hands
Even when I don't understand it
We have all got choices to make
And this one is mine

Even now, here's my heart God

Seems like all You do is so hidden
Sometimes I'm led to wonder are You working at all?
But even in the darkness I'm listening
For Your still small voice in the distance I hear You call

Even now here's my heart God
I'm in love

Runnin' out of reasons to doubt You
Can't live another day here without You

Even now here's my heart God
I'm in love

Your love is sweeter than honey
Your love is stronger than death
Your love lifts me off my burdens
And teaches me to dance

Copyright © 2008 United Pursuit Records
Words and music written by Will Reagan

Numbers 21-24

Chapter 22--Balaam's Donkey

This is, without a doubt, one of my all-time favourite stories in the Bible! Ever since I was a kid, this has been the bees-knees for me! (Listen to Dan & Louie's version...good 'ol Tommy the Turtle!) :-)

This story has really impacted my life through the years and I just want to share a little about that this week. I had grown up listening to Dan & Louie telling the story about Balaam's donkey but beside the AWESOME fact that a donkey spoke, I never really thought about it much. I don't remember much of the event, but when I was 13 I think, God really spoke to me through this story. And what He said was so simple and has echoed in my heart ever since.

"If I can use a donkey to speak my words, I can absolutely use you."

Wow. I'm 25 now and still need to be reminded of that simple truth! That is what I want to have you think about this week. If God can use a donkey, He can for sure use you! He can use you anywhere and to do anything! Let that be an encouragement when you start thinking about all the other people you think are more qualified and way cooler than you. If God can use a donkey, He can use. And the best part is...He WANTS to use you. And He DELIGHTS in using you.

You're worth it. Be encouraged.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Numbers 16-18

"You take care of My business and I'll take care of yours."

When I was moving to college I remember my Mom telling me a story, however it didn't make its divine impact on me until the summer I graduated from college. I was half-jobless working as a temp for a nanny agency. I never quite knew when I'd be working until the day before...most often, 10pm the night before. As you can imagine, it was frustrating and nerve racking. 

In the midst of this learning experience, my Mom reminded me something she had told me years ago; something that God has promised her when we moved to Africa nearly 25 years ago. She was 29 years old and moving across the ocean to a land where she and my Dad thought they'd live and die. With them came two small kiddos. As I'm nearing her age, I can't image how that would have felt, especially knowing that her own family didn't quite "get it". She told me that on her way to this new land, God made a promise to her: "You take care of My business and I will take care of yours." 

I think of this when we're reading our chapters this week. Yahweh tells the Levites that everything He has, is there's. He says, "You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites." He was theirs...His fullness was theirs.

That is what strikes me most while reading. My parents have never been in need, and I know it's because they have taken care of His business. Like the Levites taking care of the temple, what is it that God has asked you to take care of? Trust that when you do, He'll be taking care of your business. Whether that's your friends or toys or parents or anything...He'll take care of it. He is your reward. He is your goal. He is your inheritance.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Numbers 11-15

Today I wanted to talk a little about perspective and our outlook on different circumstance and situations.

This week's reading highlights a defining moment in the history of Israel. The Lord told Moses to send scouts to explore the promised land. This was the Israelites inheritance, what the Lord had promised them. All of the scouts agree that the land was beautiful and plentiful:

27 They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.

However we hear two different perspectives from the scouting party:

28 But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. 29 The Amalekites live in the Negev; the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites live in the hill country; and the Canaanites live near the sea and along the Jordan...31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.”

The majority of the scouting party brought a negative perspective about the promised land and were concerned about the people living there. However Caleb saw all of what the other scouts did but had a different perspective:

30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

There are a couple of things I want to highlight about perspective:

The perspective we choose to take has a direct effect on our actions. The Israelites chose to embrace the negative perspective and as a result a generation of Israelites missed out on the promised land (Num 14:26-30). Often I have to check my own perspective on different situations I face, especially when its things I don't really enjoy doing. I find that when I choose to have a positive attitude or perspective on things, they usually turn out better than I anticipated

Another point is that I believe God is looking directly at our attitude and perspective. The Lord blessed Joshua and Caleb because of their perspective and how they trusted the Lord even though in the natural the circumstances didn't seem easy. Our actions are important to God but above all else he looks at our heart first and foremost.

Finally perspective is contagious. We see in Numbers 13 that the negative perspective spread throughout the Israelite camp. How different would the outcome have been if Caleb's attitude and perspective had spread throughout the Israelite community? Each one of us have amazing influence and our attitude and perspective are contagious. I want to spread God's perspective and attitude and give him the opportunity to be contagious and infect the people and situations around me.

Written by Philip Day

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Numbers 8-10

Have you ever been in a cave or a really dark room? When something is pitch black it almost impossible to see, even your own hand in front of your face. What happens when you bring a light of some kind into that dark place? The things you couldn't see before are now visible and things become clearer. A torch can be an excellent source of light but it has to be pointed in the right direction to serve its purpose.

In this weeks passage we read about the placement of the lamps in the tabernacle at the beginning of chapter 8:

1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light up the area in front of the lampstand.’ ” 3 Aaron did so; he set up the lamps so that they faced forward on the lampstand, just as the Lord commanded Moses.

This may seem like a simple portion of the passage but as I was reading it struck me how the Lord was specific about which direction the light was shining. Light can serve a great purpose but it needs to be pointed in the right direction. A torch in a cave is needed to light a path. A spotlight on a stage is used to highlight the main character in a play or musical. Light is always used for a purpose. God spoke to Moses about how he wanted the lamps to shine and in what direction.

Each one of us has a light that needs to shine. Jesus talks about letting our light shine in Matthew 5:
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Our lives can be a real light for Christ. Our actions, words and thoughts can shine brightly or we can hide them away where no one can see. Its important to ask is your light burning brightly and is it shining in the right direction?

Written by Philip Day

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Speaking of Joy...

...This is an email from my Aunt Joy.  My Uncle Bill had a stroke last Saturday.  God is really intervening on his behalf.

Tomorrow will be 1 week since Bill had a serious stroke in his brain stem which should have killed him or rendered him paralyzed.  However it was not time for my Bill to leave and tomorrow I get to be by his side at the hospital and we can talk together about God's great mercy and grace and love toward us.  We can marvel at the miracles we have seen and continue to affirm our trust in Jesus for each day ahead.  We are overcome with thankfulness and for all your caring prayers.

He may be discharged in the next 2 or 3 days, then will do out-patient rehab at a vision center.  Dr. Hart, the neurologist was with him a week ago in the ER and acknowledged today that the miraculous is part of Bill's recovery; not making light of his diminished vision, he is "lucky" to have only that problem.

Tori returned to MN this morning and it was hard for her to leave her dad but we are so blessed that she could come home during this traumatic time.

We have lots of adjustments to make coming up.  Bill's type of vision loss is not in his eyes--they were not damaged--but in the injury to the optical area of the brain during the stroke.  So we stand on God's promises and press in to Him, our Healer.

This evening with just Bill, Ann and I in the room, we were enjoying God's peace and presence and our friendship together.  We had so many things to laugh about.  Bill's nurse came to the door and told us she had never heard such merriment come out of these rooms before.  It delighted her and others as well.  This is something only God can do...give His joy in the midst of trials.

"In His presence is FULLNESS of JOY" (Psalm 16:11)

He'll always be the center of our attention! :-)

That's my Uncle Bill!

Friday, November 9, 2012


This is how I've felt since going to sleep last night!  It's been a long time since I've really felt joy, so I've felt like I've been on cloud 9 all day.  This last year I've been singing this song...simply out of faith.  Today, I got to see it become reality!  Listen and sing along :-)


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Numbers 5-7

I'm realizing I have never explained where these devotionals are from.  Phil (my husband) and I are group leaders of an online Bible reading program called iDiscipleship.  We're in charge of the ISMK section...International Society of Missionary Kids--a bunch of awesome MKs (Missionary Kids).  Of which, I am one.  Every week we put together what's called A Thought of the Day(s) for that weeks Bible reading.  I thought it would be cool to post them on here so then I had them saved somewhere.  So if anyone reads this, I hope you're encouraged.  There will be one every week.  Feel free to read along.  We're doing Numbers 5-7 this week, and Numbers 8-12 next week.  It's roughly 4 chapters a week.


To be honest with you, I tried to do a Thought yesterday, however I became a bit prideful and in turn developed a blank mind in the middle of what I was trying to write.  I didn't want to share that with you, but I really felt like God wanted me to.  So, there you go.  You're not the only one that struggles with pride.

After I repented, God released another direction for my Thought this week.  I had originally thought to talk about Moses as a leader...but I know I am to talk about how God has a specific way of doing things. 

In our reading we cannot help but notice how intentional (as Phil said last week) and specific God is in his directions to Moses and the Israelites.  He's almost too specific for my liking and it's hard to even care about most of what's in our reading because it just turned into lists that are ALL THE SAME!!!  (don't feel bad, you again, are not the only one to feel this way)  Because of how specific God is, makes me think of Moses and what kind of man he would have needed to be for God to want to use him in this crazy task of creating a nation.  He had to be willing to follow EXACTLY what God was saying instead of improvising or doing what he "felt" best.

I think sometimes we don't realize that God is only willing to do things one way.  It's easy in our society (any society) to get caught up with the different ways people can obey God, after all, Jesus is the goal, right?!...but while reading all these commands here in Numbers, it shows me that there was not more than one way God was asking the Israelites to take care of the Tent of Meeting.  There was 1 way He wanted them to do things.  There were specific tasks He had for every single person.  Often I think that when God gives me a goal, or even my calling, I can then go fulfill that goal or calling or gift (the list continues) however I "feel" He may be leading me...but I wonder if I took time to specifically ask Him, if He'd have a specific way for me to do it.

So that's my Thought for you this week.  Ask God to specifically show you what He wants you to do, whether in school or with friends or work, and how He wants you to do it.  I know there may be a bunch of really great ways to fulfill what it is that God has put on your heart, but I can't help but think that He has one, specific, way for you to go about doing it.  Does that make sense?  I hope so.  This is what God's doing in my life, and even though I'm not old I have learned that I'm usually not the only one facing the things I'm facing.  Again, be're not alone!  Whether it's killing your pride, or following God's 1 way, you're not alone.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Tuesday, 2012

Everyone has their opinions...but if you're anything like me, you're more afraid to share your opinion due to the response of those you're sharing it with than actually having one.  For those out there like me, remember that voting yes or no doesn't determine your eternity, nor does the outcome of voting one way or another rise or fall solely on you.  I saw this post on my Mom's Facebook and thought it's the best thing I've seen this whole election-season!

Before you share your opinion, be sure you're saying it out of love and kindness to those you're talking to and not just out of political conviction.  There are too many politically convicted out there and not enough loving and kind political communicators.  (And maybe just share it if you're asked to share it :)

From John Wesley's journal Oct. 6, 1774:
"I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them, 1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy: 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against: And, 3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Numbers 1-4

While reading the assignment this week one thing that struck me is how intentional God is. I love having friends but more than that I love having friends who are intentional. Friends who care about me. Friends who call me or ask me how I'm doing. In the first four chapters of Numbers I believe we see how intentional God is. Everything that God was telling Moses was for a purpose. Each person in the tribe of Levi was created for a purpose and given a task to complete during the time in the desert. Every person had a role to play, it might not have been the most exciting and glamorous thing but each person was appointed to that role.

God is an intentional God. He has put each one of us in different situations and in very different places. The Israelites found themselves in the desert but within that place God gave each one of them a task and each one of them a purpose. My challenge for all of us is to ask God what our purpose is in the situations we find ourselves in. We are spread out all over the globe and in many different situations. Some might be a lot easier than others but each one of us has a role to play. Let's be intentional. Don't let situations just pass you by but see them as an opportunity to grab a hold of and to make a difference.

By Philip Day

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

John 20-21

John 20-21

"...but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, 'Woman, why are you crying?'
'They have taken my Lord away and I don't know where they have put him,' she said.
"At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. "Woman,' he said, 'why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?' Thinking he was the gardener, she said, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.'
"Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned toward him and cried out, 'Teacher!'"

This passage always makes me stop in my tracks every time I read it! And reading it this time, I have even another thought that goes with it. Here;s where I'm going to go with this: Names. Perspectives. Waiting. Tie-in. 2 thoughts. (keep reading, I know it's a book I'm writing...but it's GOOD!) :)

Names. I'm not sure how the culture is/was in your country, but in Ireland, everyone uses first names. We even call the President and our politicians solely by their first names! :) Depending on where you live in America, that's sometimes considered rude and impolite. Because I grew up in Ireland, first names have always been really important to me and so when I read this passage I instantly pull out the fact that Jesus called Mary by name, and she knew it was him because of it. Maybe I'm off, but that's incredible! She didn't realize it was Jesus by LOOKING at him (I'm sure being raised from the dead he looked a bit different anyway), but she realized it was him when he SAID HER NAME. WOW! Does that blow anyone else away?

Perspective. Mary was looking for Jesus and saw the Angels, and saw this man whom she thought was the gardener. When she took a moment, and listened, she realized it was Jesus because she HEARD her name. She had to change her perspective. Stay with me---I'll tie it all in at the end.

Waiting. Mary was at the tomb, and although I don't think she had the thought, "I'm going to wait here for Jesus" that's what ended up happening. She was waiting in her crying and in her pain.

Tie in: First, Jesus knows your name. He knows YOUR name. That tells me that he is more personal than we can imagine! When someone calls me by my name, instead of Mrs or "hey you!" I instantly feel closer to them...even if I just met them. ESPECIALLY if they pronounce my name right! :-) So...Jesus is personal. That means he knows how to get our attention in a personal way. Like how he got Mary's attention.

1st thought: Are you in a season of searching for the Lord and not finding him? I would challenge you to maybe look for him in a different way than you have in the past and trust that he will say your name in a way that you will be able to hear. Mary was using her eyes, not her ears when she was looking for Jesus. It was with her ears that she ended up finding him.

2nd thought: Are you feeling discouraged in your waiting? Does it feel like FORRREEEEVVVEER? I encourage you that waiting is not an idle behavior but a very active one. Waiting and searching I think often times go hand-in-hand. Mary was waiting as she was crying and full of pain...and it was in her waiting, even though I'm sure she didn't plan to wait, that she heard Jesus call her name.


John 21:15-19

Jesus asked Peter, 3 times, the same question. "Do you love me?"

I always wonder why. I know Jesus responds a little differently after Peter says yes three times, but I still think it's strange. What I want to share with you is something my Dad talked to me about once. He would say, "Hannah, why does God ask us questions?" I replied, "I don't know?"
"Me neither," Dad responded, "because he already knows the answer. So I wonder if God asks us questions not for His benefit, but for ours."

I think this verse can point to that exact thought of my Dad's. Jesus already knew that Peter loved him...but I wonder if He asked Peter for the sake of encouraging Peter. I mean these questions come not long after Peter DENIED the Christ, THREE TIMES! I would feel so guilty and unworthy if I were in his shoes. So for Jesus to ask Peter, three times, I wonder if He wanted to redeem Peter for each time he denied Christ and not for His own sake, but for Peter's sake.

If God's asking you a question, or a few questions, don't think just about the answer you think He is looking for but about the question and what He is trying to teach and encourage you by your own honest answer. He already knows your heart before you encouraged that it is your honest heart that He is wanting when He asks you those questions.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

John 14-16

John 15:1-4

Jesus talking- "I am the true vine, and my Father is the Gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine (Jesus). Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."

God prunes. God is the gardener.

My Dad was a gardener and sometimes when he would prune his plants it made them look ugly and really small! But as they would grow, they would actually grow fuller and more beautiful than the wild plants around our house.

How many of you feel ugly and small when God is done pruning you?? I know I do. I think of this when I read these verses. Pruning and cutting are not really pleasant adjectives when it comes to our Christian walk...but it seems like these are some really important principals to grasp when it comes to bearing fruit for His Kingdom. 

"He cuts off every branch that does not bear fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so it will be even more fruitful."

I want to encourage you. If God is doing some cutting in your life, trust that it's in parts where no fruit is being bared. And if He is doing some pruning in your life, trust that it's in parts that He desires you to be MORE fruitful. Sometimes it's confusing which He's doing in which part of our lives but you know, whether it's cutting or pruning, He's making us more like Himself!

I pray that God gives you insight into what He's doing in your life. Take some time today to ask Him where He's cutting and where He's pruning and how you can submit to His actions.

Monday, October 8, 2012

John 11-13

John 12:37

"Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him."

Wow. This verse makes me think of the purpose of of miraculous signs. I ask God for signs to help boost my faith, but these people didn't even believe when they saw all these things! It makes me realize that signs are not the foundation for our hearts to believe. What helps our hearts believe is encountering Christ himself and now what He can do.

Some of you know my brother, John-Michael (Dimond), and I lost our Dad almost 1 year ago. When he first died, I never asked God why. I kept telling God that even though I don't get why my Dad died nor do I agree with it, I would still choose to trust Him and what He is doing.

It's almost been 1 year and in the last 3 weeks I've felt God's presence more tangible now than I have this whole time since Dad's died. Believe me, I've been asking God for those miraculous signs because there have been major crossroads of choosing to keep trusting Christ or not. I've only seen a handful of miraculous signs in my life, and I can say confidently that they never helped me believe in Christ, they have only encouraged the belief that I already have in Him.

I know we're all MKs in Christian homes, but I also know that I'm not the only one who has struggled with wanting a sign to help me believe. Therefore, I want to encourage you to believe and choose Christ at your crossroads. Let His miraculous signs encourage our belief instead of establish it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

John 8-10


As I was reading John Chapter 8 this was the first word that came into my mind.Depending on the context compromise can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. When it comes to our faith and our relationship with God compromise can quickly snowball into something that can have a negative effect on our lives

In John Chapter 8 Jesus is confronted by religious leaders and faced with a question about a woman caught in adultery. They are attempting to trap him or to get him to compromise on what he knows is truth and what God has spoken to him. Throughout this week's reading we see various people trying to get Jesus to compromise, to make a mistake or looking for him to do something wrong. Jesus' response is always true to who he is and what he is called to do.

What we can learn from Jesus in this passage is that we need to listen to the truth that God is speaking to us and to not compromise in different situations in our lives. This can apply to any area. In school it can be making the decision to follow through on a reading assignment. In college it can be embracing the fact that God has brought you to that college for a reason and a purpose. It can be easy to compromise when we feel alone but Jesus was never alone because he was in constant communication with his Father. It was from God the Father that he received his identity and calling.

I want to encourage you if you're feeling like compromising, go back to the truth that God has spoken into your life.You are chosen. You have a purpose. You have something to give. You have something important to say. God has called each one of us to many different things. Its time to stand up and step into that calling. Jesus was uncompromising and relentless in following his call. Lets follow his example.

By Philip Day

Friday, September 21, 2012

John 6-7

John 6:5-6 "'Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?' Jesus asked this only to test Philip, for he already had in mind what he was going to do."

The Lord seems to ask us questions even though he already has in mind what he's going to do. As I've been reading this story, my thought has been, "Lord, help me think in the Spirit and not just in the natural. Help me use my spiritual eyes, ears and mind and not just my natural senses in every situation I face. Help me see with spiritual eyes what You are up to."

John 6:9 "'Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?'"

I will always think of my Uncle Bill's sermon about this little boy. Where on earth did this kid come from?!?! This kid could have totally said that his lunch wouldn't do any good because it was so small compared to the crowd. He could have come up with any lunch is too small; I'm just a kid; the disciples won't listen to me; why even try, I've tried before and nothing helped. The scripture doesn't give us alot of background on this kid, but I think it's safe to assume that he was like any other kid; like any of us. So what caused him to think of offering his tiny lunch to Jesus in the first place?

Maybe he was thinking in the Spirit and using his spiritual eyes and ears and mind...and because he did, he partnered with God...just by offering his tiny crusty lunch. All he did was OFFER his lunch, and Jesus did the rest. Jesus fed 5,000 men with 5 small bread rolls and 2 small fish.

How small do you think your life is in the Kingdom? What excuses have you used for not offering your "tiny lunch?" No matter how small you think your life, or contribution is to the Kingdom remember this kid with a crusty lunch. Jesus can use anything and multiply just have to offer it.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First post

I've wanted to start a blog for ages but never knew what to start with.  Today it came to me.

My first, original creation in the Kitchen :-)  Try and and enjoy it!

My email to family announcing my awesome creation!

Hi Fam!

I just made up this recipe last night and had to share it cause it’s SOOOOOO YUMMY!!!!  I was inspired by a lady at my grocery store asking if I had tried Brusselsprouts roasted in olive oil and lemon juice...and this is what it turned into :)  You should try it cause it’s yummy and easy :)  I’m feeling quite accomplished, lol.

1 green pepper
3 or 4 leaves of kale
5 mushrooms
1 medium sweet potato
1 stalk of medium sized broccoli

1 onion
4 strips of bacon
4 brusselsprouts
2-5 cloves of garlic :)

Olive oil
Lemon juice

Pre-heat oven to 315 f.  In a roasting pan, put cut peppers, kales, mushrooms, sweet potato and broccoli.  In a separate bowl, mix 2 parts olive oil : 1 part lemon juice and salt and pepper (and any other veggie seasonings you like).  Mix well and pour over vegetables in the roasting pan.  Make sure all the veggies are covered in the mixture.

Place in oven for 30 minutes.

While roasting, cut up onions, bacon, brusselsprouts and garlic and sauté on medium heat.  Make sure you don’t over-stir while they are sautéing.

After the roasted veggies are done for 30 minutes, add sautéed mixture with ALL the juices, grease and all.  Then mix everything together really well and put back into the oven for 10 minutes while you make your pasta.

Once everything is done, serve it up :)  YUMMY!